Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
A simple PHP WebSocket implementation
2 069 792 60
Symfony Google Mailer Bridge
3 975 540 124
Transform your PHP to JavaScript
8 455 166 2 245
PrestaShop category tree links
4 982 011 5
Easily convert valid xml to a php array.
1 985 672 118
PrestaShop - Link list
4 978 937 14
PrestaShop module dashactivity
4 992 657 2
PrestaShop module statsproduct
4 990 797 3
PrestaShop module statscheckup
4 990 586 1
PrestaShop module statscatalog
4 994 125 2
PrestaShop module dashtrends
4 985 498 2
PrestaShop module dashproducts
5 002 165 6
PrestaShop module gsitemap
4 870 489 60
PrestaShop module dashgoals
4 985 862 2
PrestaShop module statsstock
4 980 215 3