Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Modern DOM API.
8 678 304 118
The Official PHP library for Mixpanel
12 101 218 141
Endroid QR Code Bundle
7 551 621 296
PHP 7.2 oAuth 1/2 Library
20 048 113 1 115
Simple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation for Laravel.
11 916 717 2 026
EasyRdf is a PHP library designed to make it easy to consume and produce RDF.
28 699 573 613
GitHub API v3 client
12 179 680 2 190
Bare-bones OpenID Connect client
6 031 943 637
A Twig extension for the inky email templating engine
8 717 375 155
CBOR encoder for PHP
9 744 422 61
SAML2 PHP library from SimpleSAMLphp
13 946 439 288
Symfony Stopwatch plugin for HTTPlug
17 823 380 258
A Foundation for Emails (Inky) template transpiler
9 439 611 277
Symfony integration for HTTPlug
17 760 072 379
A Hashids bridge for Laravel
9 826 813 2 024