Apache Solr for TYPO3

Fund package maintenance!

Installs: 1 925 213

Dependents: 23

Suggesters: 3

Security: 3

Stars: 136

Watchers: 19

Forks: 242

Open Issues: 350


12.0.3 2024-05-13 08:07 UTC


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Apache Solr for TYPO3 CMS

A TYPO3 extension that integrates the Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server into the TYPO3 CMS.

This extension serves as a base module that covers the most frequently used functionalities.

Additional features can be obtained through the following free add-ons:

  1. Apache Tika for TYPO3
  2. Apache Solr for TYPO3 - More Like This

and many more by searching for "solr" in the TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER).

In case you need access to additional features, consider to become a funding partner of the program. Further details including a comparison chart are provided at the program homepage.

Repository: https://github.com/TYPO3-Solr/ext-solr
Read online: https://docs.typo3.org/p/apache-solr-for-typo3/solr/main/en-us/
TER: https://extensions.typo3.org/extension/solr
Homepage: https://www.typo3-solr.com/
Fund: https://shop.dkd.de/Produkte/Apache-Solr-fuer-TYPO3/

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