
A library that can be used to serialize closures (anonymous functions) and arbitrary objects.

3.8.0 2023-04-12 09:30 UTC


Opis Closure

Tests Latest Stable Version Latest Unstable Version License

Differences compared to the original version

  • Installs as a replacement of opis/closure package, uses the same namespaces and classes
 composer require charescape/serialize-closure

If you require opis/closure directly in your root composer.json, you have to remove it first

composer remove opis/closure

Backward Incompatible Changes

1. Serialization format and SerializableClosure class API

TLDR: You are affected ONLY if you either:

  • Used JsonSerializableClosure
  • Signed closures with SerializableClosure::setSecretKey()
  • Extended SerializableClosure or JsonSerializableClosure classes

The PHP 8.1: Serializable interface deprecation forces us to implement the __serialize(): array and __unserialize(array $data): void methods.

Since PHP 7.4, when a class gets these magic methods implemented, the Serializable::serialize(): string and Serialize::unserialize(): void are not called anymore. Check out the following example, to understand how the output looks with and without the __serialize and __unserialize methods implemented.

It means we can only build the data array we want PHP to serialize to a string, but we can't build the string ourselves to include a signature there. This is why we had to change the serialization format for the JsonSerializableClosure class and the SerializableClosure when signature verification is enabled.

Action points, if you are affected:

  1. If you have serialized closures saved in your database, caches or files – you will need to re-serialize them.
  2. If you have extended SerializableClosure or JsonSerializableClosure classes, you will need to review your code and make the necessary changes.

Serializable closures

Opis Closure is a library that aims to overcome PHP's limitations regarding closure serialization by providing a wrapper that will make all closures serializable.

The library's key features:

  • Serialize any closure
  • Serialize arbitrary objects
  • Doesn't use eval for closure serialization or unserialization
  • Works with any PHP version that has support for closures
  • Supports PHP 7 syntax
  • Handles all variables referenced/imported in use() and automatically wraps all referenced/imported closures for proper serialization
  • Handles recursive closures
  • Handles magic constants like __FILE__, __DIR__, __LINE__, __NAMESPACE__, __CLASS__, __TRAIT__, __METHOD__ and __FUNCTION__.
  • Automatically resolves all class names, function names and constant names used inside the closure
  • Track closure's residing source by using the #trackme directive
  • Simple and very fast parser
  • Any error or exception, that might occur when executing an unserialized closure, can be caught and treated properly
  • You can serialize/unserialize any closure unlimited times, even those previously unserialized (this is possible because eval() is not used for unserialization)
  • Handles static closures
  • Supports cryptographically signed closures
  • Provides a reflector that can give you information about the serialized closure
  • Provides an analyzer for SuperClosure library
  • Automatically detects when the scope and/or the bound object of a closure needs to be serialized in order for the closure to work after deserialization


The full documentation for this library can be found here.


Opis Closure is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).


  • PHP ^5.4 || ^7.0 || ^8.0


Opis Closure is available on Packagist and it can be installed from a command line interface by using Composer.

composer require charescape/serialize-closure

Or you could directly reference it into your composer.json file as a dependency

    "require": {
        "charescape/serialize-closure": "^3.8"

Migrating from 2.x

If your project needs to support PHP 5.3 you can continue using the 2.x version of Opis Closure. Otherwise, assuming you are not using one of the removed/refactored classes or features(see CHANGELOG), migrating to version 3.x is simply a matter of updating your composer.json file.

Semantic versioning

Opis Closure follows semantic versioning specifications.

Arbitrary object serialization

We've added this feature in order to be able to support the serialization of a closure's bound object. The implementation is far from being perfect, and it's really hard to make it work flawless. We will try to improve this, but we can't guarantee anything. So our advice regarding the Opis\Closure\serialize|unserialize functions is to use them with caution.