Irfan's Test : A super fast bare minimum testing suite

0.8.2 2021-12-18 21:46 UTC


Irfan's Test

A super fast bare minimum testing suite

Require it using composer:

$ composer require --dev irfantoor/test

How to use test?

$ cd github/yourname/yourproject/

# require it as --dev dependency inside your project
$ composer require --dev irfantoor/test

# you can use the following syntax in the base folder of your prject:
$ ./vendor/bin/test

# Note: By default it will try to locate the test classes in the tests folder and will
# execute all the unit tests.

Usage with an example

An example php file, is included here to serve as a fast example of how you can use the unit tests.

Filename: examples/MyClassTest.php Note: filename must match with the test class name, i.e. the filename implies that the test class defined int the file is: MyClassTest


use IrfanTOOR\Test;

interface SomeInterface {
    function f();
    function g();

class SomeClass implements SomeInterface
    function f()
        return "f";

    function g()
        return "g";

class MyClassTest extends Test
    function setup()
        # anything you want to do before any testFunction is called

    function testExamples()
        $some = $class = new SomeClass();
        $somemore = new SomeClass();
        $int = 0;
        $float = 1.0;
        symlink(__FILE__, 'link');

        # equql
        $this->assertEquals($some, $somemore);
        $this->assertNotEquals($some, 'Some');

        # same
        $this->assertSame($some, $class);
        $this->assertNotSame($some, $somemore);

        # array
        $this->assertNotArray("I'm not an array");
        $this->assertArrayHasKey(['zero', 'a' => 'apple'], 'a');

        # bool
        $this->assertFalse(1 > 1);
        $this->assertTrue(0 == 0);

        # null

        # string

        # numerics
        $this->assertNotZero(0.0); # fails

        # callable, objects, resources
        $this->assertCallable([$this, 'setup']);
        $this->assertNotCallable([$this, 'functionNotDefined']);

        # class instance and implementation
        $this->assertInstanceOf(SomeClass::class, $class);
        $this->assertImplements(SomeInterface::class, $class);

        # Assert Exception only
            function () {
                throw new Exception("Exception Message", 1);

        # test will fail here, function is not defined any more ...
        $this->assertExceptionMessage("Error Message", function() {
            throw new Exception("Error Message", 1);

        # Assert Exception and the Message
            function () {
                throw new Exception("Exception Message", 1);
            'Exception Message'

        # filesystem
        $this->assertExecutable(dirname(__DIR__) . '/test');
        $this->assertLink('link'); # this will fail
        $this->assertNotWritable(dirname(__FILE__) . '/not_writable');


        $this->assertEquals(['hello'], []);
            'Too few arguments to function IrfanTOOR\Test::assertEquals()',
            'Too few arguments to function IrfanTOOR\Test::assertEquals() -');

    function testTodo()
        $this->assertTodo('This comment must appear as a todo');

    function testSkip()

    public function testMethodSkip()
        throw new Exception("method throws an exception, it must be skipped");

     * throws: Exception::class
    public function testExceptionThrown()
        throw new Exception("method throws an exception, it must be skipped");

     * throws: Exception::class
     * message: method throws an exception, it must be skipped
    public function testExceptionThrownWithMessage()
        throw new Exception("method throws an exception, it must be skipped");

     * Single parameter
     * a: $this->getArgs()
    public function testSource($a)

     * throws: Exception::class
     * a: $this->getArgs()
    public function testExceptionWithSource($a)
        throw new Exception($a);

     * throws: Exception::class
     * message: {$a}
     * a: $this->getArgs()
    public function testExceptionWithSourceAndMessage($a)
        throw new Exception($a);

    function getArgs()
        return [
$ ./test -v examples/MyClassTest.php
test 0.8
and I test ....

 [ 56] Examples .................................F..F.......SS..............FF [4, 2]
 [  0] Todo T [1]
 [  0] Skip S [1]
 [  0] MethodSkip M
 [  1] ExceptionThrown .
 [  2] ExceptionThrownWithMessage ..
 [  3] Source ...
 [  3] ExceptionWithSource ...
 [  6] ExceptionWithSourceAndMessage ......
   71 passed  4 failed  3 skipped  1 todo   1 method skipped

You can try running the test, by increasing the verbosity level, which will add some additional information in a colorful way.

# with no verbosity level
$ ./test examples/MyClassTest.php

# with verbosity level 1
$ ./test -v examples/MyClassTest.php

# with verbosity level 2
$ ./test -vv examples/MyClassTest.php

# with verbosity level 3
$ ./test -vvv examples/MyClassTest.php

# i and f options have been added to facilitate the development
$ ./test -vvv -i ExceptionThrownWithMessage examples/MyClassTest.php
$ ./test -vvv -f exception examples/MyClassTest.php

NOTE: The values provided to the options -i and -f are case-insensitive