
Windwalker Compare package

Installs: 5 621

Dependents: 4

Suggesters: 2

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 4

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



Windwalker Compare

What is Compare

Sometimes we will need a dynamic compare interface, but it hard to convert = or <= string to be php operator.

Compare object can help us create an object with compare logic between two values, and convert it to string, then we can use this string to build SQL or other use.

Installation via Composer

Add this to the require block in your composer.json.

    "require": {
        "windwalker/compare": "~3.0"

Basic Usage

echo new GteCompare('published', '1');

We will get published >= 1 string. This is easy to integate into query string.

$conditions = array(
    GteCompare('published', '1'),
    EqCompare('entry_id', 25),
    LteCompare('date', $query->quote($date))

$sql = 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ' , $conditions);

We will get this string: WHERE published >= 1 AND entry_id = 25 AND data <= '2014-03-02'.

Do Compare

$compare = new GteCompare(3, '1');

$result = $compare->compare();

var_dump($result); // bool(true)

Available Compare Object

Name Description Operator
EqCompare Equal =
NeqCompare Not Equal !=
GtCompare Greater than >
GteCompare Greater than or Equal >=
LtCompare Less than <
LteCompare Less than or Equal <=
InCompare In an array or list IN
NinCompare Not In an array or list IN